A sampling of our works in these development programs :
- Give agricultural education, training and advice. Including setting up Practical Schools.
- Producing Feasibility Studies and Business plans for setting up Agricultural Development plans and farms.
- Connect involved governments to our development programs. And connect governments together.
- Train and Educate the youth, young farmers, mechanics and farm Or mechanization center managers
- Building and constructing crop and dairy farms
- Management Support arable and dairy Farms (technical and economical)
- Recruitment support farm workers, managers, processing workers, etc.
- Education, construction and improvement of irrigation systems
- Support in improvement infrastructure
- Setting up independent Mechanization Centers, Dealer networks and Agriculture Service & Shop Centers
- Educate and train in marketing , sales networks, industrial processing of agricultural products
- Retail development : stock and distribution in food supply to the people.
Mechan-Connect works in close cooperation with among :
News & actual agricultural developement projects
in progress :
GAMBIA (2020)
In The Gambia the Mechan-Connect Group has started the agro development. The training center, the mechanization center and the farms are in construction. Meanwhile the HGD-Group is being set up in the Netherlands. And the financing is being worked on.
The Mechan-Connect Group has now in colleteral ownership an area of 5500 hectare of farmland.
On markering and Restail business is being worked on.
More information for Dutch Dairy Farmers about the HGD-Group :
click on ***HGD-Group***
In The Gambia the Mechan-Connect Group is in the start phase for a whole new ‘Agro Development’ project for the country in conjuction with partner from the ‘Gambian-Germany Partnership’ in Wiesbaden – Germany.
The agro development program will content an arable crop farm, agro-mechanization centre, practical agricultral school, dairy farm and greenery farm.
It will be completed with a processing industry + agro-markering agency for mutual trade in products between West-Europe and Gambia and of course internal distribution marketing in Gambia and exports to other African countries.
A start of an agro revolution in Gambia what the country will bring food security, jobs, welfare, infrastructure, trade markets and pride.
This project will be undertaken in conjuction with the Gambian Government, who will re-invest in this primer priority for their country,
Mechan-Connect Group BV has founded a registered company Mechan-Connect Gambia Ltd. with their Gambian partners.
The project-team will be supported by the European Union and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affiars (RVO) after the 1 year start-up of the farm program. This start-up will be done in 2019. We will keep You informed on the developments.
ABU DHABI – SUDAN : (2015 – 2019)
In Abu Dhabi we are involved through Krone (Spelle) with the Forage Feed Program (FFP project) from ‘Jenaan Investement’.
Containing huge grassland production fields in the desert of Sudan. See also :
UGANDA (2016) ,
constant corn farm
model farm
mechanization centre
Ducth Agro Field Exhibition
In Uganda we are busy with the developing of a `Constant Corn Farm` in cooperation with the local farm `Frank Farm Estates´.
In follow up there wil be development of a total ´MODERN MODEL MIXED FARM´ , including dairy / poultry/ crop and vegetables farming.
Besides the farm development, there will be constructed and developed :
– a ´Agro Mechanization Center´ in Kampala named ´Rute Agrotech Ltd.´
– Practical School
– Exhibition Center + 50 hectares of demofields with forage grass & maize, cereals, protein crops, potatos, etc..
Dutch Agro Fied Exhibition :
In cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Embassy in Kampala , there will be organised in2017 a Dutch Agro Conference and in 2018 a Dutch Agro Field Exhibition. Mechan-Connect is busy with the organization together with the Embassy.
Also partners in Germany and other EU countries will be connected to this project.
With the main goal to have a firm impact of EU brands in East Africa, United Arab Emirates and in Saudi Arabia.
AS the best alternative for the Azian products and services, in farm needs – mechanization – knowledge transfer and all round support.
mechanization centre
coop. Krongo Engineering Qatar
Krongo Engineering is since November 2016 the official importer and distributor of the Mechan-Connect Group in the UAE and Northeast Africa.
Assembly & Distribution
Agro Mechanization
In Ethiopia we are working on setting up new importing and dealernetworks for agricultural machinery. Including forming workshops and service centers. Our partner in Ethiopia is the company Menamino International Trading – Addis Ababa – Ethiopia. The Mechan-Connect Group supports the new importer and dealer with education, training, management support, sales support, demonstration support, aftersales support and of course delivery of used and new machinery – equipment. Including the support in the construction of a workshop and service center. Wherefore Mechan-Connect Cargo will supply with spare parts and maintenance parts.
Agriculture Development Program
This is a Dutch – South Sudanese cooperation project, by initiative of Dr. John Adibo (H&T Global Business Ltd.) and executed by private Dutch companies in lead by Mechan-Connect and Fa. Janssen. In cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Economic & Agricultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the South Sudanese Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At May -19
At June-20 2014 the South Sudan Ministry of Agriculture in
The costs for the pre-works (feasibility studies, business plans, meetings, travelling) are beside investments by the Mechan-Connect Group also partly covered by Dutch ‘subcontractors’ . Who site by site work this Development Plan out with Mechan-Connect and form the suppliers in the needed goods – materials and machinery for the Pilot Farm.
Status projects : all agreements and contracts signed. Contracted budget is to be released, for the start of the practical works. To begin with the construction of the farm buildings and the soil cleaning and soil improvement.
Our partners in this project :
Assembly & Distribution
Agro Mechanization
In South Sudan we are working on setting up new importing and dealernetworks for agricultural machinery. Including forming workshops and service centers. Our partner in South Sudan is the company Hope Modern Farm – Juba – South Sudan. The Mechan-Connect Group supports the new importer and dealer with education, training, management support, sales support, demonstration support, aftersales support and of course delivery of used and new machinery – equipment. Including the support in the construction of a workshop and service center. Wherefore Mechan-Connect Cargo will supply with spare parts and maintenance parts.
In the nineties of the last century an agreement was set between the Soviet Union and the
Status project : re-start meetings are in progress.
Agro Mechanization >2012
Agriculture Development
Pilot Farm Project > 2012
This is a German –
The project is based on a cooperative finance by partly a local bank from
Status project : After a tragic loss of one of our partners in this project process the works are temporarily parked. Basic agreements with the German suppliers, the Commerzbank, Euler Hermes and with potential local banks are made by Hon. Sebastiao Quiame and the shareholders. Also basic agreements with Mechan-Connect and with our partner Fa. Janssen are made by Hon. Sebastiao Quiame. Mechan-Connect and Fa. Janssen are at this moment waiting for the follow up to start.
Our partners in this project are :