Beside agrodevelopment support, the Mechan-Connect Group has also its own work in agriculture and it’s own farming business.

We are active in :
advising – supplying and contracting works for 

A) specialization concentrate dairyfeed 
B) specialization cattle/ dairy rationing
C) 5500 hectare arable&dairy farm Gambia

We support, supply and supervise for the
Cultivation – Harvest and Processing
of concentrate DairyFeed

– Field beans/ veldbonen (protein)
– Oats/ voererwten (protein) 
– Wheat/ voertarwe 
– Barley / voergerst
– CornCobSilage/ MaïsKolvenSilage (MKS)
– MaisMix (geplette deegrijpe korrelmaïs)
– Combi grow/ Mixteelten : 
  among Wheat-beans / Oats-Barley 
  zoals Veldbonen-Tarwe / Erwten-gerst 



Our guidance services include the entire tillage – cultivation – harvesting and rationing of the feed. Family Oomen is very experienced in this field. The “FarmsBest Holland” system that the family introduced in the year 2001 was then allready what is being introduced now into daily practice today in 2020. The sector, politics and the trade media are now in 2020 talking about cycle agriculture and about growing protein and own cultivation concentrate feeds at farm level. A system that family Oomen already did 20 years ago, and the rationing of these feeds led to a much lower feed protein requirement at the time, resulting in healthier cows, lower costs and high milk contents in protein and fat. Allowing soya from South America to be completely removed from the feed rations! Oomen did this 20 years ago and he was unfortunately too far ahead of his time, with the result that at the time it was not sufficiently accepted in the sector and that the good intentions of Oomen were misunderstood. But now 20 years later, this experience and knowledge are desperately needed. As a tool to work together in the agricultural sector between agriculture and dairy farming, and now also internationally or even between the Netherlands and Gambia! As we are going to work in the HGD-Group. 

So: with the Mechan-Connect Group you are certainly also in the right place for your own concentrates or for preparing rations for your dairy cattle!

We are also very experienced in the rationing for dairy. 

Characterized by a very practical approach to
the arrangement of the ration.
In the following steps:
– assessment of the dairy cows
   (condition, rumen filling, leg work)
– assessment of the fresh manure
– assessment of milk yield
– assessment of the feeds
– calculation and reasoning ration

The rationing principles are:
– healthy cattle, on healthy legs and claws
– maximum use of roughage grass / maize
– maximum feed intake
– optimization of rumen digestion 
– a lot of rumen energy, little protein
– a lot of rumen – microbial protein production
– sufficient structure in the ration
– flat feeding

The most important thing is not the maximum milk production, but the maximum achievable profit balance per liter of milk!
And also a healthy herd, so that cows produce milk for many years and fewer young cattle are needed for replacement.

“Back to Basic rationing , by the ‘FarmsBest Holland’ system. With optimal forage feed and concentrates from own farm or from arable farmer.


5500 hectare arable&dairy farm in Gambia

The Mechan-Connect Group BV – The Netherlands had registered in The Gambia a daugther company named: Mechan-Connect Agriculture Gambia Ltd.
With collateral ownership of 5500 hectare of farmland by the Mechan-Connect Group in direct cooperation with the KATCHANG community we are developing the biggest and most modern arable & dairy farm of (West) Africa. 
The total farm exists of :
– 2500 hectare arable farm 
– 1000 hectare own dairy farm
– 2000 hectare HGD-Group* 

A group of Dutch Dairy Farmers who cooperate under the support of the Mechan-Connect Group. These Dutch dairy farmers have also still a dairy farm at home in Holland. But have a second dairy farm in The Gambia, in Katchang. In harmony working with the Katchang community. With also cooperating with the dairy farm from the Mechan-Connect Group and it’s arable farm. On the arable farm also concentrate DairyFeed will be cultivated for the dairy farms in Gambia and for the home dairy farms in the Netherlands. The farm group has a central processing center for the milk, meat and al other arable harvest products. Also a training center, an Mechanization Center and a Marketing & Retail Center will arise at the farm.